Friday, June 7, 2013

1. I gained a great deal of experience having my art in a gallery show. I got to see what it feels like having other people look at your art work, and hear the positive feedback people would tell me.
2. The advice I would give to next year's AP Art class is to always meet the deadlines or get things done ahead of time. If everything is done ahead of time, there's not much to worry about during class.
3. The main positive aspect I gained from this class was the term and techniques I learned. At the beginning of the year I only liked to take pictures, and now see more to photography than just taking pictures.
5. I learned that I still love taking pictures and that I can see myself becoming something of this in my future.
6. In the future I plan on being either a photographer or a video producer. There are certain terms that I learned in this class that I come across in both video producing and in photography.