Friday, June 7, 2013

1. I gained a great deal of experience having my art in a gallery show. I got to see what it feels like having other people look at your art work, and hear the positive feedback people would tell me.
2. The advice I would give to next year's AP Art class is to always meet the deadlines or get things done ahead of time. If everything is done ahead of time, there's not much to worry about during class.
3. The main positive aspect I gained from this class was the term and techniques I learned. At the beginning of the year I only liked to take pictures, and now see more to photography than just taking pictures.
5. I learned that I still love taking pictures and that I can see myself becoming something of this in my future.
6. In the future I plan on being either a photographer or a video producer. There are certain terms that I learned in this class that I come across in both video producing and in photography.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Week 6: 
The following pictures are my best twelve pictures. 

This picture was taken at Rooster Rock on a boating trip.
When I took the picture, it was really crooked so I had to
put it in Photoshop and make it as straight as possible.

I this picture, I think the lighting behind the cat
is really strong and it really brings your attention
to the cat.

This is one of the pictures I took during week
2, but I used a different "version" of it. I decided
to go with this one because the light is stronger,
you can really see the reflection of the tree and it
looks really bright and playful.

I think this picture is one of my strongest because
this picture was hard to take, but I don't think I did
a bad job. For me, taking night pictures is a challenge,
but when I saw this, I tried long and hard to get this reflection.

This is a picture I took at Home Depot with two mirrors up
against each other. I have several different forms of this
picture. Only because it was also hard to capture without
being seen in the mirror.
I like this picture because there is a mirror pressed up against
the tree right where the trunk is, making it look like the branches
are just going on, but really it's the reflection of the same branch.
In this picture, I thought that it is a little confusing when
you first look at it. Reason being, is that there is a concrete
space between the two patches of grass. And also, the fence
carries on as where it looks like the ground should carry on.

In this picture, I took the area outside the windows, lowered
the contrast, the color intensity, and made it a bit duller so
that it wouldn't overpower the reflection in the windows. I
really like this picture because of the way the windows distort
the houses in its reflection.

This is one of my pictures from week 2 that I
really like.

I thought this was a strong picture because I
took a picture of what is on the other side of
where the camera is facing. And the lines where
the sidewalk splits nearly matches with the one in
the reflection. Despite the fact that the mirror is
slightly dirty, I thought this was a pretty unique picture.

This is another of my strongest pictures from week 2.

I think this is a pretty good picture because the branches
on the reflection of the window, almost mix in with the actual
branches that are behind the truck. They sort of blend
and I thought that was pretty awesome.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 5: 

This week, I took more photos with reflection. I tried taking pictures that I felt were harder for me to capture with good quality. Taking pictures at night and indoors. Below are the pictures that I took  

I also did a little bit of editing in photoshop to make my pictures look more brighter and happy. Below are the two pictures that I edited in photoshop.

I plan on taking reflection pictures outside during the day with bright light. I want to practice taking more pictures indoors and at night. I find them more challenging but I plan on practicing in those environments.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Week 4: 
This week I took pictures of reflection with my cat. I took a mirror outside and had help trying to keep my cat to stay still on the mirror. I also took pictures of him waiting to go outside and put a mirror by his feet to create a reflection of him.

I also tried some things in Photoshop this week. At first I took a picture of my cat that was on the wrong white balance setting and the picture came out too blue. I took that picture and tried to make the lighting look as natural as possible. I also tried to merge two images of my cat that contained reflection.

Photoshop Image
Original Image

Merged Image

I want to try taking pictures of the sunset and sunrise and merge them, or the moon and sun. I also want to take a picture of a river or stream and merge it with a picture of the sun or moon and see how that turns out. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Week 3:
The images below are my best 10 images from the past three weeks.

This picture was taken on the side of the fish tank
reflecting the fishes on the glass on the other side. 

In this picture, there are a whole bunch of cups plants.
I took a mirror and made a reflection of it and I really
liked the way the plant in the back looked brighter
than the rest with the sun shining behind it. 

This is one of my pictures from week 2.

This is also a picture from week 2.

This is a picture of a dinosaur reflecting off of a
car window. There was a flag inside the car that
was a distracting object in my picture so I used
Adobe Photoshop to edit that out. 

This is one of my pictures from week 2.

This is another one of my pictures from week 2
although; I changed it in Photoshop making the
mood of it darker and gloomier. I thought it
looked better like that because it looks like this
picture was taken in an alley or somewhere dark and scary. 

I took this picture using the stream on Indian Creek.
I held the branch up near the water and created a
reflection of it in the water. 

In this picture, I took a mirror and held it up to a rug
to make it look like the rug is the same on both sides,
and since the circles carry on to the edge of the page,
it gives it a look as if the rug goes on off the picture.

I took a phone that created reflection on its screen. I set it
up in such a way where you can see behind the camera and
what is being captured in the front view of the camera.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Week 2:
This week I practiced taking different kinds of reflection. I took reflective pictures using water, mirrors and windows. The first two pictures show reflection of boots in water. The second two are reflections of trees, but one is reflected by water, and the other is reflected by a window. The last two pictures show something different in the mirror and what is against the mirror. In the picture with the flowers, a blue flower is up against the mirror, but the reflection shows a yellow flower. In the other image, you can see the black bucket and the pipes, but you can't see that in the reflection.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Week 1: 
This week I practiced capturing pictures with lighting and a couple reflections. I tried indoor incandescent bulbs and outdoor sunny light. I practiced where to aim the light, and where to place my camera when taking a picture. Bellow are a few images of my experimentation.